Study in Saudi Arabia -LIVING in Saudi Arabia |
Taxis Services in Saudi Arabia
Transport within the cities is not difficult
as frequent taxis operate at reasonable, government-regulated
fares which are metered.
Cars can be rented in most towns in
Saudi Arabia. Residents of the Kingdom should
hold a valid Saudi driver's licence. Visitors
should have either a current driver's licence
from their home country or an International licence.
Public Bus Transportation
SAPTCO (Saudi Arabian Public Transport Company)
operates bus services with most towns and between
the larger cities.
The buses are comfortable and the fares are reasonable,
generally lower than in the US or Europe. Each
bus has a special section for women and children.
SAPTCO, which was established in 1979 with a 1
billion SR capital, gradually expanded its activities
beginning with local city lines followed by inter-city
service. It then has extended its services to
some neighbouring countries. Throughout its activities,
SAPTCO offered excellent services, using modern,
comfortable and airconditioned buses. Moreover,
the Ministry of Transport Affairs supervises taxi
and limousine services in the cities and at the
The railway system is least developed means of
transport in the Kingdom. There are vast distances
to cover, in often adverse environmental conditions,
and it was inevitable that airline services seem
to be a more practical mode of transportation
to a country undertaking a major development program
in the second half of the twentieth century.
The Kingdom's railways currently consists primarily
of a single track, standard-gauge line, running
for 570 kilometers from Riyadh to Dammam in the
eastern region. The line, which was opened in
1951 (1370/71 AH), runs through Dhahran, Abqaiq and Al-Kharj and has benefited from substantial
renovation processed in recent years. An additional
line linking with Riyadh was opened in 1985
(1405/06 AH).
The Kingdom's railways are managed by the Saudi
Arabian Railway Corporation (now the Saudi Government
Railways Organization), established in 1966 (1396
AH) as an independent public utility, governed
by a board of directors.
A train service with first-class air-conditioned
carriages runs daily between Riyadh and Dammam
on the east coast.
Social Scene |
Although Riyadh has officially been the capital
of Saudi Arabia since 1932, it played second fiddle
to Jeddah until the 1970s. Built with oil boom
money, Riyadh is now a high-tech oasis of glass,
steel and concrete, home to huge hotels, even
larger hospitals and one of the biggest airports
in the world. The centre of Riyadh is called Al-Bathaa
and is the oldest part of the city. Al Bathaa
is home to the bus station, GPO and most other
things a traveller needs. Most of Riyadh's places
to stay are near the bus station, as are the coffee
shops and shwarma stands.
The Riyadh Museum, to the west of Al-Bathaa,
has all the usual stuff covering the history and
archaeology of the kingdom from the Stone Age
to early Islam. There's an interesting display
on Islamic architecture and a separate Ethnographic
Hall, with clothes, musical instruments, weapons
and jewellery. Signs are in English and Arabic.
Once the citadel in the heart of Old Riyadh,
the Masmak Fortress was built around 1865 and
extensively renovated in the 1980s. Inside the
mud fortress there's a nicely reconstructed traditional
diwan (sitting room) with an open courtyard and
a working well. The fortress is now a museum devoted
to Abdul Aziz and his unification of the Kingdom
of Saudi Arabia. Other museums in Riyadh include
the King Saud University Museum, which has a display
of finds from archaeological digs, and Murabba
Palace, with exhibits of traditional clothing
and crafts.
The Al-Thumairi Gate, in the centre of town,
is an impressive restoration of one of the 9 gates
which used to lead into the city before the wall
was torn down in 1950. The flash, new, modern
Al-Thumairi Gate is just across the road. About
30km (20mi) out of town is one of the largest
camel markets in the Middle East. It's open every
day and is a fascinating place to wander around
(despite the smell).
Riyadh's most interesting attraction, the ruins
of Dir'aiyah, lie 30km (20mi) north of the city
centre. This was the kingdom's first capital and
is now the country's most popular archaeological
site. Dir'aiyah was founded in 1446, reached the
height of its powers at the end of the 18th century,
and was razed in 1818. The reconstructed ruins
include palaces, mosques and the city wall. |
Mecca & Taif
Most visitors to Saudi Arabia come solely to visit
Mecca, just inland from Jeddah. Mecca is Islam's
holiest city, and all devout Muslims - wherever
they live in the world - are supposed to make
the pilgrimage (or hajj) here once in their life.
This is where Mohammed was born in the 6th century
AD, where he began preaching and where he returned
for his final pilgrimage. Mecca and the holy sites
in its immediate vicinity are off limits to non-Muslims.
Apart from the obvious ideological arguments against
breaking this rule, there are checkpoints along
the roads to the city to stop non-Muslims from
coming too close.
The centre of Mecca is the Grand Mosque and the
sacred Zamzam well inside it. The Kaaba, which
all Muslims face when they pray, is in the mosque's
central courtyard. According to tradition, the
Kaaba was originally built by Adam, and later
rebuilt by Abraham and his son Ishmael, as a replica
of God's house in heaven.
In the mountains above Mecca, the summer capital
of Taif is open to all. People come here for the
weather (much cooler than Jeddah in the summer
months), the scenery and the town's relaxed atmosphere.
Taif's central mosque is a good example of simple,
refined Islamic architecture. Shubra Palace is
a beautifully restored traditional house which
doubles as the city's museum. It was originally
built around the turn of the century, and has
been used as a residence by a number of Saudi
kings. For a real taste of old Taif, the Tailor's
Souk is a sandstone alleyway of ancient shops
tucked between the town's modern buildings. |
Institution Accommodation Facilities
Most of the institutes have segregated,
conveniently located and cost-effective accommodation
facilities. The accommodation fees vary from institute
to institute.
Note: Bus transportation is
usually available for student-housing residents
at no charge.
Private Rental Market
Many furnished and unfurnished apartments
are available throughout Saudi Arabia. When you
rent a unit in a private building you will have
to sign a rental agreement or lease that specifies
your rights and responsibilities and those of
the property owner and his agent. |
Emergency Numbers
Police |
999 |
Fire |
998 |
Ambulance |
997 |
Traffic Accidents |
993 |
Source: www.newarabia.net, lonelyplanet.com |
All Rights Reserved, ArabianCampus.com ©, Peter Krol |