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Study in Kuwait - Embassies & Consulates in kuwait


Afghanistan Embassy
Tel: 5329461 / 5328156 Fax: 5326274
P.O.Box: 33186 Rawda, 73452 Kuwait

Algeria Embassy
Tel: 2519220 / 2519755 Fax: 2519497
P.O.Box: 578 Safat, 13006 Kuwait

Argentina Embassy
Tel: 5323014 / 5 / 6 Fax: 5323053
P.O.Box: 1125 Safat, 45712 Kuwait
eMail: [email protected]

Austria Embassy
Tel: 2552532 / 2532761 Fax: 2563052
P.O.Box: 15013 Daiya, 35451 Kuwait
eMail: [email protected]

Bahrain Embassy
Tel: 5318530 Fax: 5330882
P.O.Box: 196 Safat, 13002 Kuwait

Bangladesh Embassy
Tel: 5316042 / 5316043 Fax: 5316041
P.O.Box: 22344 Safat, 13084 Kuwait
eMail: [email protected]

Belgium Embassy
Tel: 5722014 / 5722015 Fax: 5748389
P.O.Box: 3280 Safat, 13033 Kuwait

Bhutan Embassy
Tel: 5331506 / 28 Fax: 5338959
P.O.Box: 1510 Safat, 13016 Kuwait

Bosnia & Hercegovina Embassy
Tel: 5392637 Fax: 5392106
P.O.Box:6131 Hawally 32036 Kuwait

Brazil Embassy
Tel: 2561029 / 2564577 Fax: 2562153
P.O.Box: 39761 Nuzha, 73058 Kuwait
eMail: [email protected]

Bulgaria Embassy
Tel: 5314458 / 9 Fax: 5321453
P.O.Box: 272 Jabriya 12090 Kuwait
eMail:[email protected]


Canada Embassy
Tel: 2563025 Fax: 2564167
P.O.Box: 25281 Safat, 13113 Kuwait

China Embassy
Tel: 5333340 / 5333342 Fax: 5333341
P.O.Box: 2346 Safat, 13024 Kuwait

Cyprus Embassy
Tel: 2433075 / 2434108 Fax: 2402971
P.O.Box: 1447 Safat, 13015 Kuwait

Czech Embassy
Tel: 2529015 / 18 Fax: 2529021
P.O.Box: 1151 Safat, 13012 Kuwait
eMail: [email protected]

Denmark Embassy
Tel: 5341005 / 5341006 Fax: 5341007
P.O.Box: 5451 Safat, 13055 Kuwait

Egypt Embassy
Tel: 2519956 / 2519955 Fax: 2563877
P.O.Box: 11252 Dasma, 35153 Kuwait

Ethiopia Embassy
Tel: 5334276 / 5330128 / 5334291 Fax: 5331179
P.O.Box: 939 Surra, 45710 Safat Kuwait

Eritrea Embassy
Tel: 5317426 / 7 Fax: 5317429
P.O.Box: 53016 Nuzha, 73061 Kuwait

Finland Embassy
Tel: 5312890 / 1 Fax: 5324198
P.O.Box: 26699 Safat, 13127 Kuwait

France Embassy
Tel: 2571061 / 2 Fax: 2571058
P.O.Box: 1037 Safat, 13011 Kuwait

Germany Embassy
Tel: 2520827 / 57 Fax: 2520763
P.O.Box: 805 Safat, 13009 Kuwait

Greece Embassy
Tel: 4817101 / 0 Fax: 4817103 E-Mail:
P.O.Box: 23812 Safat, 13099 Kuwait

Hungary Embassy
Tel: 5323901 Fax: 5323904
P.O.Box 23955 Safat 13100 Kuwait
eMail: [email protected]

India Embassy
Tel: 2530600 Fax: 2525811
P.O.Box:1450 Safat 13015 Kuwait
eMail: [email protected]

Indoneasia Embassy
Tel: 4839927 / 4839953 Fax: 4819250
P.O.Box: 21560 Safat, 13076 Kuwait
eMail: [email protected]

Iran Embassy
Tel: 2560694 / 2561084 Fax: 2529868
P.O.Box:4686 Safat 13047 Kuwait

Italy Embassy
Tel: 4817400 / 7 / 8 Fax: 4817244
P.O.Box 445 Safat 13045 Kuwait
eMail : [email protected]


Japan Embassy
Tel: 5312870 / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 Fax: 5326168
P.O.Box: 2304 Safat, 13024 Kuwait

Lebanon Embassy
Tel: 2562103 Fax: 2571682
P.O.Box 253 Safat 13003 Kuwait

Libya Embassy
Tel: 2575183 / 2575184 Fax: 2575182

Malaysia Embassy
Tel: 5342091 / 2 Fax: 5341783
P.O.Box: 4105 Safat, 13042 Kuwait
eMail: [email protected]

Mauritania Embassy
Tel: 5312943 / 5312941 Fax: 5327245
P.O.Box: 23784 Safat, 13098 Kuwait

Morocco Embassy
Tel: 5312980 / 1 Fax: 5317423

Netherlands Embassy
Tel: 5312650 / 1 / 2 / 3 Fax: 5326334
P.O.Box: 21822 Safat, 13079 Kuwait
eMail: [email protected]

Niger Embassy
Tel: 5652943 Fax: 5640478
P.O.Box: 6432 Hawally, 32059 Kuwait

Nigeria Embassy
Tel: 5320794 / 5 Fax: 5320834
P.O.Box: 6432 Hawally, 32039 Kuwait

Oman Embassy
Tel: 2561956 / 7 Fax: 2561963
P.O.Box: 21975 Safat, 13080 Kuwait

Pakistan Embassy
Tel: 5327651 / 49 Fax: 5328013
P.O.Box: 988 Safat, 13010 Kuwait

Philippines Embassy
Tel: 5329316 / 5329318 Fax: 5329319
P.O.Box: 26288 Safat, 13123 Kuwait
eMail: [email protected]

Poland Embassy
Tel: 5311571 / 5311572 Fax: 5311576
P.O.Box: 5066 Safat, 13051 Kuwait


Qatar Embassy
Tel: 2513606 / 2523107 Fax: 2513604
P.O.Box: 1825 Safat, 13019 Kuwait

Romania Embassy
Tel: 4845079 / 4843419 Fax: 4848929
P.O.Box: 13574 Khaitan, 71956 Kuwait
eMail: [email protected]

Russia Embassy
Tel: 2560427 Fax: 2524969
P.O.Box: 1765 Safat 13018 Kuwait

Saudi Arabia Embassy
Tel: 2400250 Fax: 2420654
P.O.Box: 20498 Safat, 13065 Kuwait

Senegal Embassy
Tel: 2573477 Fax: 2542044
P.O.Box: 23892 Safat, 13099 Kuwait

Somalia Embassy
Tel: 5394795 Fax: 5394829

South Africa Embassy
Tel: 5617988 Fax: 5617917
P.O.Box: 2262 Mishref, 40173 Kuwait
eMail: [email protected]

Spain Embassy
Tel: 5325827 / 8 / 9 Fax: 5325826
P.O.Box: 22207 Safat, 13083 Kuwait

Sri Lanka Embassy
Tel: 5615840 / 5 Fax: 5612264
P.O.Box: 13212 Keifan, 71952 Kuwait
eMail : [email protected]

Sweden Embassy
Tel: 2523588 Fax: 2572157
P.O.Box: 21448 Safat, 13075 Kuwait
eMail: [email protected]

Switzerland Embassy
Tel: 5340172 / 5 / 3 / 4 Fax: 5340176
P.O.Box: 23954 Safat, 13100 Kuwait
eMail: swisemkt@globalnet/

Syria Embassy
Tel: 5396560 / 59 Fax: 5396509
P.O.Box: 25600 Safat, 13116 Kuwait


Thailand Embassy
Tel: 5317530 / 1 Fax: 5317532
P.O.Box: 66647 Bayan, 43757 Kuwait
eMail: [email protected]

Tunisia Embassy
Tel: 2526261 / 2542144 Fax: 2528995
P.O.Box: 5976 Safat, 13060 Kuwait
eMail: [email protected]

Turkey Embassy
Tel: 2531785 / 2531466 Fax: 2560653
P.O.Box: 20627 Safat, 13067 Kuwait
eMail: [email protected]

UAE Embassy
Tel: 2528544 / 2521427 Fax: 2526382
P.O.Box: 1828 Safat, 13019 Kuwait

UK Embassy
Tel: 2403336 / 5 / 4 Fax: 2426799
P.O.Box: 2 Safat, 13001 Kuwait
eMail: [email protected]

USA Embassy
Tel: 5395307 / 8 Fax: 5380282
P.O.Box: 77 Safat, 13001 Kuwait

Venezuela Embassy
Tel: 5324367 / 5324369 Fax: 5324368
P.O.Box: 24440 Safat, 13105 Kuwait
eMail:[email protected]

Yugoslavia Embassy
Tel: 5327548 / 9 Fax: 5327568
P.O.Box: 20511 Safat, 13066 Kuwait
eMail: [email protected]

Zimbabwe Embassy
Tel: 5621517 / 5620845 Fax: 5621491
P.O.Box: 36484 Ras Salmiya, 24755 Kuwait

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