Arabian Campus

Information About Kuwait Universities & Colleges


Universal Institute

Moghera Bin Shoba Street
Salmiya, Kuwait

eMail: [email protected]

Telephone: +965 2 563 2876
Fax: + 965 2 563 2868


Universal Institute Website

Universal Institute is exclusive distance education center for MG University.

  • Universal Institute enables individuals, business firms and corporate enterprises, to achieve greater success by providing knowledge, technical skills and IT training.
  • Universal Institute provides the necessary infrastructure, training and guidance to the students to study.
  • Universal Institute provides training in the field of Business Management, Accounting, Computer and IT education and language proficiency.
Undergraduate Studies
  • Diploma in Interior Designing
  • Diploma in Civil Draughtsmanship
  • Diploma in Architecture Draughtsmanship
  • Diploma in Estimating and Costing
  • Bachelor in Business Administration (BBA)
  • Bachelor of Commerce (B.Com) with Computer
Graduate Studies
  • Master of Business Administration (MBA)


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